Talk “It’s not a bug it’s a feature — the Customer Support perspective on the product development“
Talk “It’s not a bug it’s a feature — the Customer Support perspective on the product development“, Product-Led Growth Conference | Make the Transition
Bio: Georgia has a background in Mathematics and Computer Science. She has extensive experience working as a Customer Support and Success consultant for SaaS and tech companies and currently is working as Head of Support at Balena. As the co-organizer of Athens Support Driven Meetup, Georgia would like to inspire young people to follow customer support as a career.
The Speech: “It’s not a bug it’s a feature — the Customer Support perspective on the product development“
Product managers understand even more the importance of support-driven growth and develop strategies to gather meaningful feedback from customer-facing teams within their organization. In this talk, we are going to discuss the customer support point of view. We’ll talk about how support teams extract customer feedback, how they evaluate it, what data they are looking at, and what KPIs matter the most.